if you are an artist or an aspiring one ...the way you present yourself
either to a media personality or someone who may be of help to your
career ; determines how far yow will stay welcome to them.
1. if you
have recorded ,buy a printable. CD at 30, get a nice designer who
understands your kind of music and get a themed design on your CD then ,
your CD cover and an envelope preferably white.
2 have your bio indicating who you re the kind of music you do. the meaning of the song...printed on the CD package that when someone gets your package they don't have to ask you questions.
3. be clean and presentable when delivering.
4. If you take music as a career you will find the need yo brand.
5. never give out your work on unprinted cd.it represents you
#DonJrecords #KlassikSounds